Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Letters of December

Genre: Hard Rock

Despite being apparently quite young at the time it was founded, this band actually created their own website (last updated in 2007) using Freewebs—a rarity in the "Myspace era." Their website features some pretty amusing drawings using the band name. It apparently had a forum as well, which is no longer in existence as of this writing. As for the actual music, it's a shame that it wasn't better recorded, as it seems to be thoughtfully crafted. The singer is better than expected—I would like to know if he went on to another project. Does anyone know?

Sweet Angel

Devin ? — Vocals (? Letters of December ?)
Dakota Thacker — Guitar (? → Letters of December Epicurus)
Jesse Boothe — Guitar (? → Letters of December Epicurus)
Gage Freeman — Drums (Letters of December → Zantetsuken)

Former Members
Collin Goad — Bass (? → Letters of December → ?)

Demo (2007?)

1. Fade Away
2. Sweet Angel


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